Security response

We appreciate your concern

Keeping customer data safe and secure is a huge responsibility and a top priority. We work hard to protect our customers from the latest threats. Your input and feedback on our security is always appreciated.

Reporting security problems

Send urgent or sensitive reports directly to Use our public key to keep your message safe and please provide us with a secure way to respond. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Please follow up or ping us on Twitter if you don’t hear back.

For requests that aren’t urgent or sensitive you can send a plain email.

Tracking and disclosing security issues

Have you discovered a web security flaw that might impact our products? Please let us know. If you submit a report, here’s what will happen:

Our products are built on the Ruby on Rails framework. The issue you reported might affect Rails, Ruby, or some other part of our technology stack.

Thanks for working with us

We respect the time and talent that drives new discoveries in web security technology. The following researchers and companies have gone out of their way to work with us to find, fix, and disclose security flaws safely:

This document and process is an adaptation of the Basecamp Security Response which struck us as an excellent way to handle the reporting and disclosure of security issues. Basecamp is not connected with and they do not sponsor or endorse Bindle or its use of the work.

Established 2014. Made with ☕️ and the occasional 🍺 in California and the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia.

© 2020 Bindle Software
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